Thursday, October 15, 2009
Rick Sanchez Retracts Limbaugh Smear
This is the same guy that was arrested for driving drunk, hitting and killing a pedestrian and leaving the scene of the crime.
Well it's too late for an apology Rick.. The damage has already been done. Putting his apology on 'Twitter' is absolutely the right place for a 'Twit' like Sanchez.
The guy is an alcoholic jerk and I hope Rush takes him and a few others to the courthouse.. along with Al Sharpton the Jerkoff of the Race baiters.
Well screw you punk. I hope that Rush takes off the gloves.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The liberals think Rush is the leader of the GOP
There is no freedom of speech for white America when it comes to race. One wrong word, and you are finished. From Limbaugh to Don Imus to Nick the Greek to Al Campanis, the dodger guy who said something the hysterical race police objected to, the list of victims grows daily. This is in addition to the countless little guys we never hear about, white guys who lose their jobs or something else, because some white-hating, loudmouth African or Hispanic starts screaming "racism!" at the top of his lungs.
America was built on free speech and freedom, period. The race police are in the process of ending free speech, and political freedom will soon follow speech into oblivion.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Jimmy Carter will forever be remembered as a wimp. Obama will be forever remembered as a whiner
If it's war with Fox that he wants, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Rush, et al will make horse meat out of him.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
What a bunch of clowns. the Nobel Committee must be
And the Nobel Committee has underscored its complete utter absurd usuriousness.
The Nobel Peace Prize has became a badge of shame when it was a awarded to Yassir Arafat. The Award to Gore and then to Carter made it look silly on top of stupid. The Award to Obama is simply baseless.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Obama’s prize is so hilalrious in itself, it is impossible to joke about it.
This “prize” diminishes Obama’s stature even further than one could have imagined or hoped for. The Nobel Peace Prize is forever tainted and useless from here on out…Shame on each of these judges for such an outrageous example of propaganda at its most depraved example….You all are a disgrace to humanity…
Who owns you ? Which one and/or of the globalists pay and paid you off
He’s a total laughing stock.
Let’s use this stock to reclaim our country.
Did you here me Olympia Snowe!!!!
How could anybody allow this feckless clown to takeover our healthcare system. A man that couldn’t even manage a McDonald’s. No offense meant to McDonald managers.
No Cap and trade either. I can’t afford my gas, electric and gasoline as it is now. Maybe Barry and the Beast can talk about our dilemma on their next multi-million dollar taxpayor funded “date night”. Yuk!
Wait until January when Christmas retail sales numbers start becoming available -and then depression set in.Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Oh Humm
Gotta explain something about that remark and others like it. It was a racialist comment not a racist one.. Some black worker gets away with, well practically everything and someone will say that they can't get away with the same stuff 'cause they're white. That's not racist, that's racialist and sometimes they may be right.
So what is the genesis of this now ageless charge that conservatives are a bunch of racists? Is it because we generally oppose racial preferences aka affirmative action? Is it that simple?? or is it THAT and the ancillary comments like Rush made? The Willie Horton ad used by Bush Sr. against Michael Dukakis is now considered infamous but was it really? That was a legitimate campaign issue about the furlough program in Massachusetts and if people wanted to take that as code for white fear of blacks, tapping into the crime theme well so be it. Was it a racialist ad? perhaps but it's only infamous in the minds of people like Bill Moyers and, oh hell why don't we throw in Phil Donahue too, but the rest of the country got the real lesson about liberalism is bad for society and sent little Mikey with his army helmet packing.
Conservative icons like Rush and now Glenn Beck in my opinion spend way too much time responding to their critics which leads nowhere. The answer is to keep pounding away at what you believe in.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Beck’s message is clear, Think FOR YOURSELF.
Glenn Beck fills a void. He informs people and rallies them, giving them some real hope that something can be done to stop this country’s rapid slide down the road to socialism. The truth is, we are being ruled, not governed. Beck asks Americans to think, to ask questions, and most of all to be patriotic. something that we all need to be.
Contempt for the United States?
The answer is that Barack and Michelle harbor great contempt for this country and flaunt it so brazenly that they appear to be bound together by it.
Not surprisingly, Rush Limbaugh picked up on this contempt quicker than most, and even before last year’s election was settled, he warned that Obama’s America would be one where wealth (which is power) would be taken from those who have and given to those whom Obama believes ought to have instead. Limbaugh’s criticism was more than validated by Obama’s campaign promise to implement new taxes on all incomes over $250,000 per year in an attempt to “spread the wealth.
Simply put, Michelle shares Barack’s conviction that many facets of America were wrong prior to his ascension to high office. In this way, the president and first lady are united in Simply put, Michelle shares Barack’s conviction that many facets of America were wrong prior to his ascension to high office. In this way, the president and first lady are united in contempt for the United States
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Kennedy and Chappaquiddick

It's always fascinating to see if obituaries bring up what might be called a black mark on a notable person's life. Just last week we looked at when news outlets first mentioned the Plame case in covering the death of Robert Novak. So where did leading outlets place the first mention of the Chappaquiddick accident in their obits of Ted Kennedy?
Ted Kennedy lived a live of extreme privilege thanks to our Capitalist System, and continued to enrich his family by the same system. Yet he did everything politically to destroy it for the rest of us by trying to bend us to Socialism every step of the way.
Maybe the media manufactured Camelot Bull Shit will FINALLY come to an end. Or will it get bigger and more ext ream. Will the Coward of Chappaquiddick become a Hero of the Health-Care movement? Will Obama use his death to promote this ridicules Plan of his. Yes, Yes, and Yes!
I guess that someone somewhere loved him. Someone somewhere grieves. That someone is not me.
It's sad to see how far the media will go with this story, nowhere will you read about how he has degraded in this country. They idealize Ted Kennedy like he is some kind of saint, yet give very little importance to the fact that he was guilty of manslaughter at the least in the death of Mary Jo Kopechne . The ghost of Chappaquiddick has haunted Kennedy over a lifetime, raising questions about his honesty and courage, in my eyes there were NO questions about his honesty and courage. There was NO honesty or courage to be seen.
Mary Jo never got a chance to do anything else she died. Never got to marry, or to have children, or to run for the Senate. Or to get a Health Care plan named after her! Kennedy never paid the price for his actions. There was no justice for Mary Jo, none.
I could never respect this man because he showed me what he was made of - no matter how many trips to church he made, no matter how many bills he passed, babies he kissed, speeches he gave. He never paid his debt to society. Somehow, he was above all that.
And this man, the hero of Chappaquidick, gets a Freedom Medal from the president of the United States.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
The Lion Of Liberalism.

I'm posting this as a public service to all on the blogosphere.
Engage in dog fighting go to prison, shoot yourself in the leg and go to prison for 2 years, oppose the liberal agenda, get labeled a terrorist; drive drunk and leave a young girl to die a horrible death and get greatly rewarded by being given the Freedom Medal of Honor! Awarded highlighting their accomplishments the nation's highest civilian honor. I guess what Teddy did was considered honorable? This man killed a young woman after having sex with her. He then ran like the coward he was trying to get away with murder. Does this qualify you for the Freedom Medal of Honor?
Only in America!!
Liberal hypocrites should remember!

People keep talking about the level of rage coming out of the blogs lately. They should remember that old saying, "what goes around, comes around".
The level of ignorance displayed is heartbreaking. This is a very dark day for America & it seems to be getting worse. People want to pretend that all “liberal” ethics, morals, concerns, conspiracy theories & propaganda are always 100% completely justified but anybody who disagrees is racist, ignorant, redneck & totally wrong. That’s plain stupid.
You leftist turds keep thinking that way, and see where it gets you!
These are the same people who pretend to believe in equality, justice, free speech, etc. yet their actions show the exact opposite: They want those things but would deny them & slander anyone of a differing opinion. Pathetic. Disgusting. Frightening. For all of the education & activism, today’s self-professed liberals are downright scary because they’re every bit as judgmental, totalitarian, intolerant & narrow-minded as their targets, maybe more.
The only ones bringing racism into this, IS the DEMOCRATS. The only ones being PAID to attend and attack is the DEMOCRATS (ACORN - SEIU)
Shove it thru
The nutwad Truth 101 now compares himself to Jesus.

What a complete egghead. This Judas is the poster child for all the double minded spineless linguine liberal men lacking wisdom rooted in willfulness rather than justice. Liberals like this should never be in positions of leadership because they aren’t leaders. Leaders can’t be bought and paid for with race cards and real estate discounts. Anyone who can’t see that Obama is a sincerely misguided still trying to find himself man is simply blinded and like lemmings most end up in the great jump, but hey its okay as long as we’re together, we can have “hope” and “change”. When I ask these simply libaturds what they like about him they immediately appeal to sentimentalism and say some sort of ‘I looked into his eyes and saw honesty” or “He’s just so new and fresh and he’s the kind of change we need” lol this is typical of liberals who by default more often subsitute what feels good for reason and rational solutions. Alan Keyes mopped the floor with Hussein and many more will to come, so long as there is a God. Thank God.
Pass the popcorn. This Democrat Implosion is getting real good!
Ted Kennedy Dies at the age of 77
So I am leaving this blog blank.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Eric Holder on the CIA
What should they do. Mr, terrorist would you please tell me the truth? We'll give you a Snickers bar if you talk, please.
For crying out loud! Give me a break, If it saves lives do what it takes.
God bless this country.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Double standard?
Is there a double standard? There seems to be.
I contend that the media is aggressively reporting on, highlighting and pursuing any and all possible threats to President Obama — and even hints of threats — but they purposely glossed over, ignored or failed to report similar threats to President Bush.
Every threat to Obama is now vigorously pursued, trumpeted and dissected by the media and the blogs, and roundly condemned. And I condemn such threats as well.
But in the past, whenever someone threatened Bush at a protest, there was a deafening silence on the part of the media and the leftist turds blogs, and consequently very little (if any) follow-through on the part of the Secret Service. Which I find quite distressing. I was condemning those threats in the past (as best I could, by drawing attention to them on my blog) — but few people were joining me in my condemnation.
I am NOT (repeat: NOT) defending anyone who threatens a president’s life. That’s the whole point. I say that anyone who threatens Obama should be arrested and/or investigated. All I am saying is that threats to Bush should have been similarly pursued — but weren’t.
And the only reason I’m writing this blog is that many Obama supporters — to my astonishment — now claim that Bush was never threatened at protests. Before we can have a rational discussion on this topic, we need to have a shared factual basis. The evidence below will establish that basis.
If you truly, truly cared about presidents’ lives being threatened, you would be just as incensed by people threatening Bush’s life at protests as you are about (the far less frequent instances of) Obama’s life being threatened at protests.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
The Obama/Pelosi gang want to do is CHANGE CROOKS.
But don't throw out the Baby along with the bath water. If Medicare is broken... FIX IT!
What The Obama/Pelosi gang want to do is CHANGE CROOKS..They don't want competition in what they think is their private hunting ground. (Healthcare).
While we're at it, lets look into the massive waste and fraud in most of the government entities. Like people who do little to nothing and take excessive amounts of time off without fear of being fired. But what does Washington want to do? Expand the waste and fraud prevalent throughout the government.