Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Oh Humm

I’m sure that everyone knows RUSH LIMBAUGH wanted to buy the St. Louis Rams Football team. As you also know the Rev. Al Sharpton went to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to nix the bid saying Rush is divisive. Al Sharpton talking about healing and unity would be like if Dave Letterman gave a seminar on sexual harassment. So today we found out that the former MSG exec and leader of the bid group that Rush belongs to kicked Rush off citing, oh I don't know something that Rush once said on ESPN about some black quarterback. OK stop right there!!

Gotta explain something about that remark and others like it. It was a racialist comment not a racist one.. Some black worker gets away with, well practically everything and someone will say that they can't get away with the same stuff 'cause they're white. That's not racist, that's racialist and sometimes they may be right.

So what is the genesis of this now ageless charge that conservatives are a bunch of racists? Is it because we generally oppose racial preferences aka affirmative action? Is it that simple?? or is it THAT and the ancillary comments like Rush made? The Willie Horton ad used by Bush Sr. against Michael Dukakis is now considered infamous but was it really? That was a legitimate campaign issue about the furlough program in Massachusetts and if people wanted to take that as code for white fear of blacks, tapping into the crime theme well so be it. Was it a racialist ad? perhaps but it's only infamous in the minds of people like Bill Moyers and, oh hell why don't we throw in Phil Donahue too, but the rest of the country got the real lesson about liberalism is bad for society and sent little Mikey with his army helmet packing.

Conservative icons like Rush and now Glenn Beck in my opinion spend way too much time responding to their critics which leads nowhere. The answer is to keep pounding away at what you believe in.

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