Sunday, September 13, 2009

Beck’s message is clear, Think FOR YOURSELF.

Glenn Beck is a national treasure. His conservative detractors don’t get him, his Beltway GOP detractors do, and he scares them the way Sarah Palin scares them. His push for non partisanship highlights the betrayal of conservatives by the Beltway GOP and the McCain campaign. Notice he is no Ross Perot, no gift to the National Socialists. And he keeps throwing the Obama posse off balance, resulting in their knee jerk and emotional responses that just dig their hole deeper. His virtue is in his sincerity and dedication to an America that remains the land of the free and the home of the brave. Beck gives you facts, tells you to check them, and make your own decision. As in the flu shot recently. He has shown us how corrupt Obama and his WH are. Maybe we thought this, but we had no proof.
Glenn Beck fills a void. He informs people and rallies them, giving them some real hope that something can be done to stop this country’s rapid slide down the road to socialism. The truth is, we are being ruled, not governed. Beck asks Americans to think, to ask questions, and most of all to be patriotic. something that we all need to be.

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